New Set
So I finally uploaded my new set, ThriftyChic. It looks really good, I ended up working on it some more last night and redid the mirror. I had to upload the item individually because when i went to upload my zip to my file storage nothing happened. I "trolled the forums" and found that there is a problem with the system and tech support is aware. no big deal. Now am just waiting for approval. I tried to submit a set once before , but it was rejected and even though i know it was completely ametuer work (it was my first try) i was still devestated. Of course that just made me want to try harder and learn more. The image on the right is of my new set. Not all of it obviously, just the dresser, the mirror, the candle lamp and the rug.
The candle is my favorite part of the set. It just lloks so vintage and complicated btu it wasn't. I used pre-made spiral that can be found in the tools section ms3d and scaled them down and positioned them. It turned out really good. I'm pretty proud of the dresser too. I've redone it three timed. I was determined that I didn't want to do just a plain boxy object. I wanted to do a set that had personality. The first one I did came out too boxy and the second one was too curvy, but I think the final product was just right.
I've already started on my next set. I decided to go in a totally different durection. My personaly style is not at all contemporary. I am definently thrift store chic. I love Flea markets and rummage sales. It's that time of year. However I ran accross this cute little dinette set and just had to make. I've already done the table and a stool. I didn't do the same chair in the picture, i decided to go a different direction. Originally I thought about doing the shelf seperate then the table but Then. what fun would that be. The table looks great, it's boxy but it's suposed to be. I did a stool with a pillow top and and a flat shlf like bottom. I really like how it is turning out, it may be doen by the weeked. I want to add a coule paintings, I already have a print in mind, and I'm doing a plate set and a my first attempt at a glass vase with lemons and limes. I kept my table as the same slate blue color because I really like it amd the colors pop nicely, but I also did a wood recolor just to show that it recolors nice in cast. the patterns fit good, they don't stretch or anything. So thats whats up, for the three peopel I blackmail to read my blog. Happy Simming everyone.